Redefining “treat”

This is a really tough one for me. I grew up eating as healthy as mom knew to do, and treats were generally small and reserved for birthdays and holidays. (Before you feel too sorry for me – there were ten of us plus foster siblings, so there usually wasn’t a month without a birthday!) As I grew older, it seemed treat foods came more often, but they were always sugary – my sister’s beautiful and delicious cakes that were always worth the anticipation, ice cream cakes, homemade ice cream…. holiday pies, Christmas cookies….

Ok, whew, maybe they weren’t so reserved after all! In any case, once I moved out on my own, sweets were easier to get, and I didn’t have someone regulating them. I of course know the logic of eating sweets and the science behind not eating them, but many of us fight sweet tooths and I’m no stranger to that war!
As part of the WLC challenge, I’ve strictly limited sweets, so I don’t lose points (ah, the benefit of the challenge! Additional reserve strength for my willpower!). However, once a week the rules allow an alcoholic drink.

I’m hardly a drinker; I’ve been called a lightweight and that’s really ok. But now two+ weeks in, I’d like a treat that doesn’t “cost”. There’s no worry of me going overboard – I tend to get sleepy before I get drunk, and besides, with the adorable Mason jar shot glasses I found…. The serving is well-portioned! 🙂
I still want chocolate, LOL, but until I figure out one I like that’s acceptable on the challenge, it’s out for 6 more weeks.

2 thoughts on “Redefining “treat”

  1. not sure about subbing alcohol for sweets in a weight loss program…

    • It’s not a weight loss program. It’s about being aware of your choices, and how many of the choices we make in a day are more habit than a conscious choice. A small amount of port, for me, is far less habit-forming than sweets, especially less than once a week! I have a bottle of port that’s half full, after I’ve had it two years. A half full package of cookies, OTOH, wouldn’t last a day around me.

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