Ugh, I know it’s been forever since I posted. I’ve done surprisingly little sewing lately. The last item was a vintage button down shirt finished the night before I started a new job, and that was Valentine’s Day.
The new job has me working remotely at home, and I’m finally getting into the swing of it enough (I hope!) that I can make some time to sew again… but since I couldn’t decide about having a workspace in the basement or upstairs, everything is kind of piled together in the basement, where I sew. The office desk ended up upstairs, and the basement is still a jungle.
Somehow (my husband says it’s because I am “kookamonga” – and I just might be inclined to agree!), donating the big heavy Ikea bed from the basement has turned into “I think I’ll get some vinyl floor tiles” which has turned into “now I need luan and subfloor adhesive, and hey while I’m at it I might as well paint the walls”. 8-/
Eventually, I hope to have a nice, easily cleaned, well-organized sewing space/gym/open-space-for-guest-air bed. Wish me luck!