Me Made May progress

So, 4 days-ish (since I’m only counting work days) of Me Made May and I’m seeing serious holes in my plan! I need more business-casual appropriate clothing, much more. 

I also really need to conquer pants fitting. I’ve made two pair in woven so far. The first pair “fits”, as in, yes, I can wear them, but “why, yes, they are home made” is quite an appropriate answer when asked the source. The pockets stick out, the crotch hangs low (which in pants #2 was intentional, since they were 40s styled)… 
I have quite a few patterns on my table right now, begging for a decision to be made on which is next-in-queue.   

I swear I do have pants patterns; they’re just so challenging for me (I have a big butt I cannot lie, LOL, in comparison to my waist) that they rarely come to the top of the list. I also have an unfinished 60s dress that didn’t quite work out, and now I need to learn how to do underarm gussets, but I think I’ll save that one for later. 

Follow me on Twitter: @birdsofakettle

2 thoughts on “Me Made May progress

  1. Love the pattern choices

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